Colombia Ocamonte Organic


Colombia Ocamonte is sourced from the Asociación de Pequeños Caficultores de Ocamonte (APCO). APCO consists of about 270 families from the municipality of Ocamonte in the department of Santander, Colombia. Members of APCO currently cultivate a coffee varietal called Castillo. The National Federation of the Coffee Growers of Colombia commissioned the development of this coffee variety, Castillo, because it is more resistant to Roya (coffee rust). This helped to increase both the national harvest and the quality of the coffee beans.

Region: South America
Process: Washed
Tasting Notes: Raisin, Semi-Sweet Chocolate, Lemon
Brewing Suggestions: Pour Over, Drip, Chemex, French Press

Available in:

  • 1 LB Bag
  • 5 LB Bag

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