$ 16.95
Nicaragua Dipilto is sourced from family-owned farms organized around Promotora de Desarrollo Cooperativo de Las Segovias, a cooperative operating in the departments of Esteli, Madriz and Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua. They operate a centrally located dry mill facility and cupping lab where coffee is received, processed and selected for export.
Region: Central America
Process: Washed
Tasting Notes: Almond, Dark Chocolate, Citrus
Brewing Suggestions: Drip, Chemex, Pour Over
Available in:
$ 16.50
SMOOTH Specially blended to be a great drip coffee. An eye-opening offering with notes of blueberry pastry, cream, and a rich chocolate-like finish. Region: Africa, Central America, IndonesiaProcess: Natural, Washed,... View full product details
$ 15.50
MILD A mild, medium-bodied blend for those that enjoy a more gentle pick-me-up in the morning. Flavors of peanut, fruit and chocolate. Region: South America, Central America, IndonesiaProcess: Washed, Wet... View full product details
$ 17.50
Mild Colombia Ocamonte is sourced from the Asociación de Pequeños Caficultores de Ocamonte (APCO). APCO consists of about 270 families from the municipality of Ocamonte in the department of Santander,... View full product details
$ 16.50
Smooth Costa Rica La Pastora is produced by Cooperativa de Caficultores de Tarrazú RL, a cooperative that was founded in 1960 and now has over 3,200 members from Tarrazu, a... View full product details